hourglass contraction câu
Someone in this auditorium is the Hourglass.Người nào đó trong hội trường này chính là Hourglass. Someone in this auditorium is the Hou...

Okay, the next contraction should be in about 20 seconds.Cơn co thắt tiếp theo sẽ tới trong khoảng 20 giây nữa. Postmortem contraction...

after contraction
The first outbreak that you will experience will actually appear as early as two days after contraction of virus, or even as late as 30...

contraction joint
The unique design of 3 water-resistant grooves and contraction joint ensures the inserts with high performance and prevents from the wa...

contraction of credit
There may be other elements at play, but it is the contraction of credit that renders the bust so much more abrupt than the boom that p...

contraction stress
Contraction Stress Test (CST) or Oxytocin Challenge test (OCT)Tên kỹ thuật y tế: Contraction Stress Testing (CST), Oxytocin Challenge t...

credit contraction
Sounds reassuring, but the credit contraction is still likely to linger for years, and could become worse if policymakers aren’t carefu...

economic contraction
Efforts to reduce that debt risk an economic contraction, rather than a boom.Nỗ lực để giảm nợ đó có nguy cơ co thắt kinh tế, thay vì b...

expansion and contraction
Stable dimensions (less expansion and contraction than natural wood)Kích thước ổn định (ít giãn nở và co lại hơn gỗ tự nhiên) Expansio...

floor contraction
After a couple of weeks, you can also try doing a single pelvic floor contraction at times when you are likely to leak (for example, wh...

isometric contraction
8 isometric contraction8 Hình minh họa Isometric The stomach vacuum is an isometric contraction of the transversus abdominus.Stomach V...

length contraction
Newtonian physics cannot explain length contraction. Vật lý Newton không thể giải thích được rất nhiều Without Length ContractionKhôn...

muscle contraction
Cause muscle contraction through the action of two types of protein: myosin and actin .Để gây co cơ thông qua hoạt động của hai loại pr...

period of contraction
Global manufacturing activity declined for the fifth consecutive month in September, the longest period of contraction since 2002.Hoạt ...

sudden contraction
The fluid pressed on him from every direction, until a sudden contraction released the pressure, and he felt himself dropping quickly.C...

thermal contraction
During the winter, it’s the opposite, thermal contraction happens.Trong mùa đông, nó ngược lại, sự co nhiệt xảy ra. It must not craze,...